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Open Badges Implementation: Case Studies

Table of Contents

Case Study 1 - Open Badges for Web Editors


Lepetitjournal.com is a daily online newspaper dedicated to the community of French expatriates and French speakers. Created in 2001, it offers a mix of general and local information in 70 cities around the world. Free and independent, the website brings together thematic sections (news, health, culture, economy, etc.) and information by city (tips, agenda, outings, classifieds, etc.).

The website record over 2 Million Page views per month.

Lepetitjournal.com Dublin is the Irish edition of Lepetitjournal.com and is dedicated to Ireland. Readers include French expatriates in Ireland and the many French people or French speakers interested in Ireland.

Lepetitjournal.com Dublin delivers Open Badges to contributors for recognition of their web content editing skills.

LPJ Dublin Logo

Open Badges details

It was decided with Lepetitjournal.com Dublin to reward the contributors who are producing content on the website by awarding them a ‘Rédacteur Badge’ (Writer Badge) that validates the skills and competences displayed to write quality content on the website. Three different types of badges (Bronze – Silver – Gold) were designed depending on the number of article written by each contributor.

Open Badges LPJ Dublin

Open Badges Data

AS described in details on our website, there is Data inside each Open Badge including:

  • Badge Name & Description
  • Badge issuer: Who issued the Open Badge
  • Recipient: Who it was issued to
  • Badge Criteria: What must be done in order to earn the badge
  • Evidence: Proof that the criteria have been met
  • Issue date / Expiry date

Please see below the corresponding data for a Bronze Rédacteur Badge:

Open Badge Name

Lepetitjournal.com Dublin – Web Content Editor

Open Badge Description

This Open Badge is awarded following the writing of at least 5 articles of 400 words+ and published on https://lepetitjournal.com/dublin/

LePetitJournal.com/Dublin (LPJ Dublin) is the online reference media for French and French speakers in Ireland and all lovers of the Emerald Isle.

LPJ Dublin is part of the Lepetitjournal.com network, a daily online newspaper dedicated to the community of French expatriates and French speakers. Created in 2001, it offers a mix of general and local information in 70 cities around the world. Free and independent, the website brings together thematic sections (news, health, culture, economy, etc.) and information by city (tips, agenda, outings, classifieds, etc.).

The website record over 1, 5 Million Page views per month. Further information: https://lepetitjournal.com/dublin/

Open Badge issuer

Lepetitjournal.com Dublin

Open Badge Criteria:

What has to be done to earn this badge?

The holder of this badge has written at least 5 articles of 400+ words published on lepetitjournal.com/dublin and has demonstrated the acquisition of the below web content editing skills:

  • Analytical mind
  • Writing skills and attractive writing style
  • Mastery of French spelling and syntax
  • an ability to work independently
  • Respect of deadlines
  • a sense of curiosity in order to deal with relevant topics
  • An understanding of the Dublin petitjournal.com readership in the choice of topics to be covered
  • Knowledge of the basic rules of natural referencing (SEO)
  • Images (relevant, copyright, etc.)

Open Badge Evidence(s)

5 Articles URLs

Open Badge Design

Open Badge LPJ Dublin

Example of one Badge delivered

Case Sudy 2 - Open Badges for Course Completion


DATAETHICS is a transnational project, which aims at updating the conceptual and ethical considerations that arise from Biomedical Big Data (BBD) collection and use. The project is implemented over three years by the Eurolife consortium, supported by an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership grant.

The European DATAETHICS project partners are: University Medical Center Göttingen, University of Barcelona, Semmelweis University, Trinity College Dublin (School of Medicine), University of Edinburgh (College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine). Medical University of Innsbruck, Leiden University Medical Center, Karolinska Institutet and University of Strasbourg.

As part of its remit, DATAETHICS delivers training, e-courses and case-study reports supported by webinars.

DATAETHICS delivers DATAETHICS Open Badge, for recognition of the newly gained DATAETHICS skills of learners and trainers.

Dataethics Logo

Open Badges Details

It was initially decided with DATAETHICS to deliver Open Badges for their 5-day online course that took place during the summer 2021.The course offered the opportunity to the attendees to attend to the lectures from leading and established cross-disciplinary experts in Big Data, AI, ethics and biomedicine.

Open Badges for both the attendees and the speakers were designed.

Dataethics Open Badges

Open Badges Data

Open Badge Name

DATAETHICS Summer School 2021 – Attendee

Open Badge Description

This badge is awarded for attendance at the DATAETHICS Summer School 2021.

This Summer School was the second course developed within the framework of the DATAETHICS project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and supported by the project’s associate partner, the Franco-German University.

This year, the DATAETHICS Summer School gave 32 students from 9 European institutions a unique opportunity to attend the 5-day program about the fundamentals of biomedical AI, data management and the socio-ethical implications of the use of AI and big data in health care. The topics covered included the fundamentals of machine learning, the analysis of ethics requirements, issues concerning data privacy and security, trustworthiness in AI, risk assessment, and fairness and bias in AI.

Further details on the Dataethics Summer School 2021 at https://www.dataethics-eurolife.eu/events/dataethics-summer-school-2021/

Open Badge Issuer


Open Badge Criteria:

What has to be done to earn this badge?

The holder of this Open Badge has attended the DATAETHICS Summer School 2021 (12-16 July 2021) and met the key learning objectives of this course, which were for students to:

  • Gain the foundational knowledge for analysing, categorising and addressing key ethical considerations of AI and big data in biomedicine
  • Strengthen transversal skills and equip oneself with knowledge on how to use big data in one’s studies, research, or internships and learn how to further incorporate biomedical data and analysis into one’s reports
  • Develop understanding on how to apply biomedical big data in the context of ethical implications and how to broaden one’s conceptualization of what ethical dilemmas are at stake
  • Broaden understanding of values and their implementation in concrete situations. Through group exercise discussions on practical problem, attendee is confronted with different perceptions of values and reaches a higher level of value understanding and learn strategies in order to be able to solve moral problems
  • Broaden ability to think critically and apply relevant information to a given task
  • Broaden ability to work in team and apply different perceptions of values when discussing concrete problem situations
  • Broaden ability to convey information and give a short presentation in an effective way
  • Able to link moral judgement to knowledge and to transfer the acquired knowledge to other dilemmas
  • Acknowledge the legitimacy of other’s values

Open Badge Name

DATAETHICS Summer School 2021 – Speaker

Open Badge Description

This badge is awarded on successful delivery of a 40 minute-presentation during the DATAETHICS Summer School 2021.

This Summer School was the second course developed within the framework of the DATAETHICS project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and supported by the project’s associate partner, the Franco-German University.

This year, the DATAETHICS Summer School gave 32 students from 9 European institutions a unique opportunity to attend the 5-day program about the fundamentals of biomedical AI, data management and the socio-ethical implications of the use of AI and big data in health care. The topics covered included the fundamentals of machine learning, the analysis of ethics requirements, issues concerning data privacy and security, trustworthiness in AI, risk assessment, and fairness and bias in AI.

Further details on the Dataethics Summer School 2021 at https://www.dataethics-eurolife.eu/events/dataethics-summer-school-2021/

Open Badge Issuer


Open Badge Criteria:

What has to be done to earn this badge?

The holder of this Open Badge has:

  • Prepared lecture content and resources
  • Delivered a 40 minute-talk
    Provided an overview of a specific on ethics and biomedicine topic and its applications
  • Addressed an audience of Bachelor, Master and PhDs in a trans-national & cross-Institutional context.
  • Engaged proactively with the audience in a Q&A session

get in touch

Do you want to discuss Open Badges implementation for your Business? Just leave your details below and we will be in touch!

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